Submission Guidelines

If accepted, papers will be published as a special issue of Bioinformatics and will be indexed in PubMed/Medline. Presenters of accepted papers will be given a 15-minute slot (plus 5 minutes for questions) in the conference schedule.

Papers must include an abstract of not more than 250 words. Submitted papers should use these formatting guidelines and be no more than 9 pages in length, including abstract, figures, tables, and bibliography. Longer submissions will be returned without review. Supplementary material beyond the 9-page budget cannot be considered during the review.

Papers should be submitted electronically at our submission site in either Postscript or PDF format . Papers will only be accepted electronically. For accepted papers, figures with multiple colors can be printed at the author's expense.

Papers submitted for review should represent original, previously unpublished work. At the time the paper is submitted to ISMB 2006, and for the entire review period, the paper should not be under review by any other conference or scientific journal.