Hosted by

- Who is the ISCB?
- What is the ISMB
- Who is the AB3C?
- What is the X-Meeting?
- Who are the ISMB
2006 Conference Chairs?
- What is LNCC/MCT?
- Do I need a visa to
visit Fortaleza, Brazil?
- Where is Fortaleza,
- What can I do to
ensure my personal safety?
- What Language
is Spoken in Fortaleza, Brazil?
- Do I need vaccinations
to visit Fortaleza, Brazil?
- Are there direct flights
to Fortaleza from the United States?
- What is the currency?
- How can I pay to
register for ISMB?
- How do I get
from the airport to my hotel?
- Where do I register
when I arrive?
- Are travel
fellowships available and what expenses do they cover?
- Where do exhibitors
set up their booths?
- Where do I set
up my poster?
- What is the Cyber Cafe?
- Where is the Cyber Cafe?
- Will I be entitled
to tax refunds on goods purchased in Brazil?
- What should I do if
I lose something?
- Where can I get the conference
A: The International Society
for Computational Biology (ISCB; http://www.iscb.org)
is the parent organization of the annual Intelligent
Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) conference. The
ISCB is dedicated to advancing the scientific understanding
of living systems through computation. The ISCB communicates
the significance of our science to the larger scientific
community, governments, and the public at large. The
ISCB serves a global membership by impacting government
and scientific policies, providing high quality publications
and meetings, and through distribution of valuable information
about training, education, employment and relevant news
from related fields. ISCB membership offers many benefits
including reduced conference registration fees and reduced
subscription prices for several journals of Computational
Biology and Bioinformatics.. There are currently over
1900 active members from 51 countries including more
than 700 students and trainee members. A member's meeting
and a meeting of the Board of Directors for the society
are held annually in conjunction with the ISMB conference.
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c/o the San Diego Supercomputer Center, UC San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, MC 0505
La Jolla, CA 92093-0505
Phone: +1-858-822-0852
Fax: +1-760-888-0313
Email: admin@iscb.org
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A: Intelligent
Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) is the annual meeting
of the International Society for Computational Biology
(ISCB). Over the past twelve years, the ISMB conference
has grown to become the largest bioinformatics conference
in the world. The ISMB conferences provide a multidisciplinary
forum for disseminating the latest developments in bioinformatics.
ISMB brings together scientists from computer science,
molecular biology, mathematics, and statistics. Its
principal focus is on the development and application
of advanced computational methods for biological problems.
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A: The conference
will be held at the Centro de Convenções
do Ceará in Fortaleza, Brazil. It is located
Centro de Convenções do
Av. Washington Soares, 1141
Cep 60.811-341
Fortaleza – Ceará – Brazil
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A: The Brazilian
Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
(AB3C) is a scholarly society dedicated to advancing
the scientific understanding of living systems through
computation. The AB3C communicates the significance
of our science to the larger scientific community, government,
and the public at large.
The AB3C serves a Brazilian and international membership
by impacting government and scientific policies, providing
high quality publications and meetings, and through
distribution of valuable information about training,
education, employment and relevant news from related
Additional information can be found at: http://www.ab3c.org/english/index.php
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A: You can
email: ab3c@lncc.br
or view http://www.ab3c.org
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A: The “X-meeting”
is an annual event organized by the Associaçao
Brasileria de Bioinformática e Biologia Computacional
(AB3C) to provide a forum for Brazilian and international
scientists to report on recent progress and remarkable
issues in the field. The meeting provides four venues
for reports: posters, technical sections, mini-symposia
and lectures.
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Goran Neshich, EMBRAPA/CNPTIA, Campinas,
Goran Neshich, Ph.D., is the Structural
BioInformatics (SBI)
group leader at the Brazilian Agricultural Research
Corporation (EMBRAPA),
National Agricultural Information Technology Research
Center (CNPTIA),
Campinas - SP, Brazil.
Neshich started his work in structural bioinformatics
while studying structure and function relationship of
the photosynthetic reaction center during his graduate
work done with Don
DeVault at the University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He conducted his
postdoctoral research with Barry
Honig at Columbia
Neshich is the principal author of STING, STING Millennium
Suite, Gold STING and Diamond STING (current version).
STING is a popular software application, database and
visualization tool providing one of the largest collections
of the physicochemical parameters describing proteins'
structure, stability, function and interaction with
other macromolecules. STING is accessible from number
mirrors around the world including the Protien Data
Bank (PDB), www.pdb.org.
Neshich's latest initiative is further developing the
JavaProtein Dossier, STING Report and STAR STING. More
about his research may be found at www.cbi.cnptia.embrapa.br.
Neshich has presided the meeting in Angra dos Reis
- RJ, held in November 2004, where the Brazlian Association
for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (AB3C)
has been inaugurated. Since 2002, Neshich has been elected
as a member of Board
of Directors of the ISCB
and recently was appointed as a chair of the ISMB
Ana Tereza Ribeiro de Vasconcelos,
LNCC/MCT, Petrópolis, Brazil
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A: From the very beginning,
on April 26, 1973, Embrapa has generated and recommended
more than nine thousand technologies for Brazilian agriculture,
reduced production costs and helped Brazil to increase
the offer of food while, at the same time, conserving
natural resources and the environment and diminishing
external dependence on technologies, basic products
and genetic materials.
Networking through 37 Research Centers, 3 Service Centers
and 11 Central Divisions, Embrapa is present in almost
all the states of the Union, each with its own ecological
conditions. There are 8,619 employees in Embrapa, of
which 2,221 are researchers, 45% with master's degrees
and 53% with doctoral degrees. Embrapa coordinates the
National Agricultural Research System, which includes
most public and private entities involved in agricultural
research in the country.
Embrapa maintains projects in International Cooperation
in order to perfect knowledge of technical and scientific
activities or to share knowledge and technology with
other countries.
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A: LNCC is
an important center from the Brazilian Ministry of Science
and Technology, dedicated to scientific computational
research in general. Among its current research activities,
bioinformatics has become one of its main areas and
its lab, LABINFO, is one of the national references
in this field. LABINFO is fundamentally involved in
the development of mathematical and computational methodologies
for genomics and post-genomics areas. LABINFO is also
a training center in Bioinformatics and biotechnology.
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A: The rules for issuing
Visas are different from country to country, and are
constantly changing. Please, contact the nearest Brazilian
Embassy or Consulate and check if you need an Entry
Visa to Brazil , to attend ISMB 2006.
More information can be found at our Why
Fortaleza page.
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A: Fortaleza is located
in North East Brazil and is the seaside capital of the
State of Ceará. A modern city with endless sunshine
(three thousand hours of sun per year) and a constant
ocean breeze making for a true paradise. The city has
many attractions and a vibrant nightlife with bars, restaurants,
and shows. A city that is always alive and is known for
having the "wildest Monday nights in the world."
The Praia of Iracema (Iracema's beach), one of the first
urban nucleuses of the city, holds most of the bars and
restaurants. There, the Ponte dos Ingleses (English's
Bridge), the old docks, are located and used to watch
the sunset and spot dolphins.
The warm waters of Fortaleza's urbanized beaches offer
every comfort to the tourist. The scenery is complemented
by the jangadas, the small and rustic rafts used by
many of Ceará's fishermen, which provide the
“fruits of the sea” used in creating the
best dishes for Ceará's cuisine.
The Praia do Futuro (Beach of the Future) is the meeting
place for sunbathers, with a large number of typical
beachside restaurants using the traditional carnauba
straw in its construction. The local population calls
them "Barracas de Praia." Thursday nights,
the beach becomes the biggest sensation in the capital's
nightlife, with live music, forró and an endless
supply of crab to dine on. With strong winds the Praia
do Futuro is an excellent place for nautical sports.
Fortaleza hosts world competitions of surfing and windsurfing.
A few kilometers away from the city are some well-known
beaches as Prainha, Iguape and Porto das Dunas. At the
latter there are two large water parks.
For those who like shopping, Fortaleza is also a paradise.
The art crafts can be found at the local markets. Clothes,
shoes, purses and bikinis made by the skilled hands
of Cearense are sold at Rua Monsenhor Tabosa, an immense
open-space shopping mall. At downtown, the tourist can
find museums, historical public squares and the Theatre
José de Alencar, considered one of the most beautiful
in Brazil.
Fortaleza's history began 275 years ago, when the Dutch
constructed the Fort Shoonenborch in 1649. Later, the
Portuguese expelled the Dutch and renamed it to Fort
of Nossa Senhora da Assunção. Around the
fort, which even today is in perfect conservation state,
a small village grew into the fifth largest city in
Brazil with 2.1 million people.
A: Pinto Martins International
Airport is one of the newest and most modern airports
in Brazil. It has the capacity to receive 2.5 million
passengers per year. The airport has seven boarding gates
with "finger" systems. The patio can receive
up to 19 airplanes simultaneously. The airport is approximately
a 15 minute taxi ride to the city center.
Address: Avenida Senador Carlos Jereissati, 2000 -
Pici - Fortaleza (CE) - CEP: 60.741-900
Telephone: 85 477 1200.
A: Most offices and stores
are open from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
Stores are also open on Saturday from 9am to 1pm while
most of the large shopping centers open Monday to Saturday
from 10:00am to 10:00pm. Banks are open from Monday
through Friday from 10:00am to 4:30pm.
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A: Fortaleza has a warm
and dry tropical climate with an average annual temperature
in July and August is 27oC (80F). The relative air humidity
is 77%, with an annual precipitation average of 1.378,3
millimeters (mm).
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A: Appropriately enough
for a city where the beach and warm weather play such
an important role, casual dress dominates in Fortaleza,
although during working hours men will not feel out
of place in a suit and tie and women in smart dresses
or a suit. Few of Fortaleza's night spots require formal
attire. For men, slacks and a sport shirt are sufficient;
for women, casual attire is fine. Women may appreciate
having a shawl or cardigan in hand for the more heavily
air-conditioned buildings, while a light sweater is
all that is necessary for winter nights. It is suggested
delegates bring a light rain jacket.
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A: Fortaleza has an excellent
telecommunications system. Direct dial and collect calls
can be placed from any telephone. Pay phones are located
throughout the city and operate with telephone cards.
Portable cellular telephones are available to visitors
for a small rental charge. The International Direct
Dial (IDD) code for Brazil is 55 and the city code for
Fortaleza 85.
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A: Getting to know Fortaleza
is to take a ride through its history. This modern city
has many landmarks from its past, either in museums,
churches, forts, public squares, stations, at the Farol
do Mucuripe, theatre and historical buildings. Downtown
includes attractions such as the Fort of Nossa Senhora
da Assunção, built in the same spot that
the city was originated, and the Palácio da Luz
(Palace of Light), a beautiful construction from end
of the eighteenth century classic style, which was the
center of the state government.
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A: The electric current
in Fortaleza is 110 or 120 volts, 60 cycles, alternating
current. Many hotels and large apartment blocks do,
however, have some 220 volt outlets.
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A: The ISMB will have
a selection of hotels available at a negotiated discount
rate for conference attendees, and this information
will be posted as soon as it is available. For the time
being, we provide the profissional information on hotels
in Fortaleza! Information about hotels and pre-booking
can be found at Nascimento Turismo: http://www.nascimento.com.br/ismb/
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A: Fortaleza and Brazil
have a number of internationally respected hospitals,
clinics and doctors, but treatment is expensive so visitors
are strongly advised to take out medical trip insurance
before traveling to Brazil.
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A: Fortaleza has an extensive
taxi fleet which be hailed in the streets, as well as
a series of special taxis operated by licensed companies
which can be found at the airports, hotels or booked
by phone. From the international airport and the main
shopping centers most of the special taxis work on a
fixed fare determined by area which is paid in advance
at the company's counter above which the fare price
must be displayed.
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A: Hotels: hotels generally
include any service charge on the bill. Restaurants:
tips are discretionary but are often found on the final
bills as a "suggestion". In Brazil the norm
remains 10 per cent. Taxis: tips are not expected by
taxi drivers although most passengers will round the
fare up if satisfied with the service. Airport and hotel
porters: the Real equivalent of U$1.00 per suitcase.
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Like most large cities
tourists are reminded to consider their personal safety
before departing for the destination and to plan accordingly
while visiting. In Fortaleza the police provide comprehensive
patrolling of the city for the protection of tourists
and are properly trained and equipped to attend to cases
involving tourists. The police patrol the popular tourist
areas including the beaches and the vicinity of the
Divisão de Apoio ao Turista
Rua Silva Paulet, 505 - Aldeota
Telephone: 261.3769 and 455.8112
Useful security tips:
• If possible avoid leaving your hotel wearing
jewelry or carrying expensive photo or video cameras.
• Hotels offer safety deposit boxes in their
rooms. It is recommended that jewelry, air tickets,
documents and money are kept in them. Carry only what
is necessary for your daily use with you.
• Preferentially leave the hotel in small groups.
• Please feel free to ask for directions at
the front desk of the hotel or from someone belonging
to the conference organization.
• It is suggested that taxis from one of the
several taxi cooperatives be used, or at least one
that seems new. Your hotel or the conference organizers
can assist you with phone numbers or suggestions.
• Avoid carrying too much cash, as many shops
and stores in Fortaleza accept credit cards.
A: The official language
spoken is Portuguese.
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A: It is also recommended
to check if you need Yellow Fever vaccination.
This is recommended for people visiting certain parts
of Brazil - in particular the States of Acre, Amazonas,
Amapá, Pará, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato
Grosso, Roraima, Rondonia and Tocantins.
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A: Yes, beginning June
1, 2006 TAM
Airlines will be operating new daily service from
Miami, USA to Fortaleza, via Manaus, Brazil. Click here
to view the Schedule.
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The Brazilian monetary unit is the Real (R$). There
are coins of one, five, ten, twenty-five, fifty cents,
and one Real and there are bills of one, two, five,
ten, twenty, fifty and one hundred Reais.
The exchange rate available to visitors is published
daily in the newspaper along with the commercial dollar
rate of the day used in official international business
transactions. Cash and traveler checks, especially US
Dollars, can be exchanged at most banks or exchange
houses as well as the major hotels. All major credit
cards are accepted in Brazil and some stores even accept
foreign currency.
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Delegates can pay on-line using the following credit
cards or mail in a Check. Accepted credit cards are:
Mastercard, Visa, Diners Club and American Express.
Registration fees and instructions can be found here:
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See Taxis for information.
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The exact location will be posted at a later date.
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ISMB is pleased to announce funding opportunities for
students and postdoctoral fellows to attend the ISMB
2006 conference in Fortaleza, Brazil. ISMB is committed
to providing support to as many eligible applicants
as possible. Deadline May 1, 2006.
For details please visit: http://www.iscb.org/ismb06/fship.php
The travel fellowship will cover full
or partial costs toward travel and housing, depending
on the amount awarded. Receipts are required to receive
the funding.
Information for exhibitors will be provided soon. See
the exhibitor floor plan here: www.iscb.org/ismb2006/exhibitor_all.html
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Information will be available at a later date.
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The Cyber Cafe is a facility offering web and email
access for conference attendees. To avoid long lines,
we request that users limit their access times to 15
minutes per session.
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The CyberCafe location will be identified at a later
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Brazil does not offer tax refunds on items purchased
by visitors.
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A: Besides accompanying
clothing and personal belongings (which may include
radio, tape deck, typewriter, movie and still cameras),
tourists entering Brazil are allowed to buy merchandise
at the airport duty free shop on arrival.
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A lost and found will be located at the information
booth located outside at the Fortaleza Convention Center.
The exact location will be identified at a later date.
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You can download it here.
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