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talk title: Molecular
machines for protein degradation
abstract: Within cells
or subcellular compartments misfolded and/or short-lived
regulatory proteins are degraded by protease machines,
cage-forming multi-subunit assemblages. Their proteolytic
active sites are sequestered within the particles and
located on the inner walls. Access of protein substrates
is regulated by protein subcomplexes or protein domains
which may assist in substrate unfolding dependent of
ATP. Five protease machines will be described displaying
different subunit structures, oligomeric states, enzymatic
mechanisms, and regulatory properties.
homepage: http://www.biochem.mpg.de/xray |
Tom Blundell has been Sir William Dunn Professor of
Biochemistry at the University of Cambridge since 1995,
and from 1 October 2003 Chairman of the Council of Biological
Sciences in Cambridge. After positions in Molecular
Biophysics in Oxford and Biochemistry in Sussex Universities,
he was appointed in 1976 Professor of Crystallography
in Birkbeck College, University of London and in 1989
Honorary Director, Cancer Research Fund Unit of Structural
Molecular Biology.
His research interests are in the definition
of the architecture of macromolecules and their assemblies
and the relation to biological function and diseases
including cancer. His research is funded by the Wellcome
Trust, BBSRC, MRC and industry. He has published over
400 research papers. Techniques used in his laboratory
include biochemistry, protein crystallography and bio-computing.
He has used X-ray crystallography to define:
- Structures of multiprotein complexes involved in
DNA repair, including BRCA2 and mutations that occur
in breast and other cancers.
- Conformations of polypeptide hormones, growth factors
and their receptors, including work on insulin, glucagon,
pancreatic polypeptide, oxytocin, nerve growth factor,
hepatocyte growth factor and fibroblast growth factor
complex with its receptor
- Architecture of cellular signalling systems such
as protein kinases and their complexes that transduce
the intracellular response to growth factors and hormones.
- Structures of important drug targets such as renin
(hypertension) and HIV (AIDS) proteinase.
Tom Blundell has also produced extensive
bioinformatics software that includes Composer (written
by Sutcliffe in 1987, commercialised via Tripos in 1980s),
Modeller (written by Sali in 1991), Fugue (written by
Shi and Mizuguchi in 2000), amongst the most widely
used top “fold recognition” programs and
Crescendo (V Chelliah, 2004) for identification of active
sites. These interests have led to work on rational
approaches to drug design. He has pioneered methods
of structure-based design in 1970s, 1980’s and
early 1990’s. Recently he has developed high throughput
and fragment-based approaches to drug discovery and
co-founded a successful company Astex Therapeutics (see
His research work has been recognised
by the Gold Medal of Institute of Biotechnology, Krebs
Medal of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies,
Ciba Medal of Biochemical Society, Feldberg Prize in
Biology and Medicine, Alcon Award for Vision Research,
the Annual Medal of Society for Chemical Industry and
first recipient of the European Award for Innovation
in Biomedical Sciences. He is a member of Academia Europaea,
a Fellow of the Royal Society and Fellow of Academy
of Medical Sciences. He has Honorary Fellowships at
Linacre and Brasenose Colleges, Oxford University and
at Birkbeck College, London University, and a Professorial
Fellowship at Sidney Sussex, Cambridge. He has Honorary
Doctorates from fourteen universities.
Tom Blundell has played an active role
in national science policy. In the 1980s, he was a member
of the advisory group to the Prime Minister (ACOST).
He has had a long involvement in the research councils,
culminating in his appointment as Director General,
Agricultural and Food Research Council (1991 1994) and
founding Chief Executive, Biotechnology and Biological
Sciences Research Council, BBSRC (1994-1996). He was
Chairman of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution,
1998 to 2005. He has been President of the UK Biosciences
Federation since 2004.
In 1999 Tom Blundell co-founded Astex
Technology concerned with the discovery of new medicines
and based at the Cambridge Science Park. Their first
oncology drug is in clinical trials in USA and UK.
In his spare time, he enjoys walking in
Wales, listening to opera and playing jazz. He is married
to Dr Bancinyane L Sibanda and has three children: Ricky,
Kelesi and Lisa.
talk title: Structural
biology, informatics and the discovery of new medicines
abstract: Knowledge of
the three-dimensional structures of protein targets
now emerging from genomic data has the potential to
accelerate greatly drug discovery, but technical challenges
and time constraints have traditionally limited their
use primarily to target validation and lead optimization.
Their application is now being extended into new approaches
for lead discovery (for reviews see Blundell et
al., 2002; Congreve et al., 2005). Virtual
screening coupled with high throughput X-ray crystallography
is focused on identifying one or more weakly binding
small-molecule fragments from compound libraries consisting
of hundreds of small-molecule fragments. The high-resolution
definition of this binding interaction provides an information-rich
starting point for medicinal chemistry. The use of high
throughput X-ray crystallography does not end there,
as it becomes a rapid technique to guide the elaboration
of the fragments into larger molecular weight lead compounds
One major challenge for drug discovery
arises from the very large surfaces that are characteristic
of many of the protein complexes, for example those
involved in receptor recognition and signal transduction
(see for example, Pellegrini et al., 2000).
This is especially true of complexes that are assembled
from preformed globular domains. Not only is it difficult
to bind a small molecule to the large, relatively flat
surfaces of such proteins involved in protein interactions,
but it is also difficult to disrupt the interaction
entirely even if one did. It remains to be seen whether
the emerging lead discovery approaches discussed in
this lecture will prove suitable for these systems.
However, recent analyses of multiprotein systems involved
in cell regulation and signalling have identified a
large number in which one component involves a flexible
or unstructured region of the polypeptide chain. An
example involves the complex of the human recombinase,
Rad51, and the product of the breast cancer associated
gene, BRCA2 (Pellegrini et al., 2003), which
is not only scientifically revealing but offers an encouraging
and perhaps more druggable site of interaction that
could be used to target agents that would be helpful
during chemo- or radio-therapy. We suggest that proteins
forming interactions with a ligand that comprises a
continuous region of flexible peptide may be more druggable
targets than where complexes are formed from preformed
globular protein structures.
homepage: http://www-cryst.bioc.cam.ac.uk/~tom/ |
Kurt Wüthrich is currently Cecil H. and Ida M.
Green Professor of Structural Biology at The Scripps
Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA and Professor
of Biophysics at the ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland.
His research interests are in molecular structural biology,
and in structural genomics. His specialty is nuclear
magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy with biological
macromolecules, where he contributed the NMR method
of three-dimensional structure determination of proteins
and nucleic acids in solution. The Wüthrich groups
have solved more than 70 NMR structures of proteins
and nucleic acids, including the immunosuppression system
cyclophilin A-cyclosporin A, the homeodomain-operator
DNA transcriptional regulatory system, and prion proteins
from a variety of species.
Kurt Wüthrich was born in Switzerland on October
4, 1938, is married to Marianne Briner, and has two
children, Bernhard Andrew and Karin Lynn. He studied
chemistry, physics and mathematics at the University
of Bern from 57-62, obtained the Eidgenössiches
Turn- und Sportlehrerdiplom and a Ph.D. in inorganic
chemistry with Prof. Silvio Fallab at the University
of Basel in 64, was a postdoctoral fellow in Basel (Prof.
S. Fallab), at the University of California in Berkeley,
CA, USA (Prof. R.E. Connick) and at Bell Telephone Laboratories
in Murray Hill, NJ, USA (Dr. R.G. Shulman) before joining
the ETH Zürich in 69 (Privatdozent 70, Assistant
Professor 72, Associate Professor 76, Professor of Biophysics
80, Chairman of the Department of Biology 95-00). Since
2001 he shares his time between the ETH Zürich
and The Scripps Research Institute. Kurt Wüthrich’s
achievements have been recognized by the Prix Louis
Jeantet de Médecine, the Kyoto Prize in Advanced
Technology, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and by a number
of other awards and honorary degrees.
talk title: Computational
Aspects of NMR Studies with Proteins in Solution
abstract: This lecture
will present a survey of selected aspects of solution
NMR spectroscopy with proteins. Special empashis will
be on the key role of computational methods in NMR data
handling, NMR spectral interpretation, calculation of
three-dimensional protein structures from NMR data,
and most recently attempts to fully automate NMR structure
determination of proteins.
homepage: http://www.mol.biol.ethz.ch/groups/wuthrich_group |
After being introduced to computational biology by David
Sankoff (Université de Montréal), Mathieu
Blanchette completed a Ph.D. at University of Washington
(1998), under the skilled supervision of Martin Tompa.
This was followed by an exciting year in David Haussler's
group at UC Santa Cruz, of which he is still reaping
the benefits. Since 2003, he is an assistant professor
at the McGill Centre for Bioinformatics (School of Computer
Science), supervising the work of talented and hard-working
students. His main interests revolve around genome evolution
and gene regulation, and what can be learned about the
latter using the former. The problems that excite him
and that he strives to identify and solve are those
with a clear mathematical definition, a algorithmically
challenging solution, and a practical biological implication.
talk title: What mammalian
genomes tell us about our ancestors, and vice-versa.
abstract: This talk will
bring together my two passions, genome evolution and
gene regulation, and will discuss what the former can
teach us about the latter. We have recently shown that
the genome of an ancestral mammal living about 70 Million
years ago can be computationally reconstructed to a
surprising degree of accuracy from the genomes of extant
species. In the first part of this talk, I will introduce
some of the computational challenges related to the
accurate reconstruction of an ancestral genome. I will
then describe how this new genome, strategically positioned
at the center of the mammalian radiation, allows a detailed
study of the evolution of transcriptional regulatory
regions. Finally, I will describe how whole-genome analyses
based in part on comparative genomics reveal new and
unexpected traits of mammalian regulatory regions, both
those located in non-coding regions and those hiding
within protein-coding DNA. The work presented is the
result of collaborations with David Haussler, Webb Miller,
and François Robert.
homepage: http://www.mcb.mcgill.ca/~blanchem/ |
Elena Conti trained as a chemist in Pavia (Italy) and
received her Ph.D. in Biophysics at Imperial College
(London) where she studied protein crystallography.
She then joined the laboratory of John Kuriyan at the
Rockefeller University in New York, where she became
interested in the molecular mechanisms that govern the
transport of nuclear proteins and RNAs from their site
of synthesis to their site of function in eukaryotic
cells. In 1999 she moved to EMBL (Heidelberg), in the
Structural and Computational Biology Unit. Her research
has expanded from the study of nucleo-cytoplasmic transport
to its connections to upstream and downstream processes,
in particular the link between mRNA export and mRNA
processing, surveillance and decay. The focus of her
group is to understand these basic cell biology problems
at the atomic level. Since January 2006, Elena has been
appointed Director at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry
(Martinsried, Munich), heading the ‘Structural
Cell Biology’ department.
talk title: Molecular
mechanisms in RNA degradation
abstract: The life span
of RNAs in the cell depends on the balance between the
rate in which they are synthesized and the rate with
which they are degraded. For coding RNAs, degradation
is rather slow in the case of gene products with housekeeping
functions, and is fast in the case of aberrant mRNAs
that need to be rapidly destroyed before being translated
into aberrant proteins. Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay
is a surveillance pathway that detects and degrades
mRNA with premature stop codons (PTCs). PTCs can arise
from alternative splicing, from defects in mRNA processing,
and are also present in an estimated 30% of inherited
genetic disorders. The talk will focus on our current
understanding of the molecular mechanisms of this mRNA
surveillance and degradation pathway.
homepage: http://www-db.embl.de/jss/EmblGroupsOrg/per_951.html |
Charles DeLisi is the Metcalf Professor of Science and
Engineering at Boston University, and also served as
Dean of the College of Engineering from 1990-2000. Prior
to moving to BU, he was Professor and Chair of Biomathematical
Sciences and Professor of Molecular Biology at the Mount
Sinai Medical School (1987-1999), Director of the Department
of Energy's Health and Environmental Research Programs
(1985-1987), Section Chief at NIH (1975-1985), and Theoretical
Division Staff Scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory
(1972-1975). In 1999 he initiated the BU graduate program
in Bioinformatics, which now includes approximately
120 students and 50 faculty from across the University.
He also co-Directs the Center for Advanced Biotechnology
and is the University’s Senior Associate Provost
for Biosciences.
Dr DeLisi is co-founder of two Biotech
start-ups--Pharmadyne Inc, which combines immunology
and genomics to develop anti viral diagnostics and therapeutics,
and Boston Array technologies, which is focused on high
throughput proteomics. He has authored or coauthored
more than 250 scientific papers and is recipient of
numerous awards including the Presidential Citizens
Medal, awarded to him by President Clinton for his seminal
role in initiating the Human Genome Project.
talk title: New Approaches
to Biomarker Discovery
abstract: We discuss
a series of computational and experimental screens designed
to efficiently locate disease associated epigenetic
changes in regulatory regions. Preliminary findings
are discussed for renal cell carcinoma
homepage: http://www.bu.edu/dbin/bme/faculty/?prof=delisi |
talk title: The need
of Bioinformatics for experimental biologists
abstract: I hope that
the audience, being predominantly computational people,
can be convinced of the need to engage the experimentalists
directly rather than waiting for some biochemist to
read their work and offer to help by chance. I feel
quite strongly that without more emphasis on experimental
follow up there is little point in generating more sequences
and more predictions. However, it won't be a tale of
doom for computational biology, but rather a call for
the community to help itself with some specific ideas
of how to do so.
homepage: http://nobelprize.org/medicine/laureates/1993/roberts-autobio.html |
Michael S. Waterman obtained a bachelor’s in mathematics
from Oregon State University and a doctorate in statistics
and probability (1969) from Michigan State University,
then began his academic career at Idaho State University.
. He was invited to spend several summers at Los Alamos
National Laboratory in the early 1970s. He began to
collaborate with Temple Smith, also a visitor to the
lab, where their fellow scientists and friends included
Stanslaw Ulam, Nick Metropolis, Marc Kac, and Gian-Carlo
Rota. One result was the Smith-Waterman algorithm for
determining the degree of similarity (homology) of amino
acid sequences from DNA, RNA, or proteins. In a three-page
paper, published in the Journal of Molecular Biology
in 1981, Waterman and Smith launched a large part of
the bioinformatics revolution. Waterman joined the staff
at Los Alamos in 1975, then moved to the University
of Southern California in 1982. He has been honored
as a USC Professor and holds the USC Associates Endowed
Chair in the Natural Sciences. He is a member of the
National Academy of Sciences and was elected to the
French Académie des Sciences in 2005. He is also
a Fellow of AAAS and a professor-at-large in the Keck
Graduate Institute of Life Sciences. In 2003, Prof.
Waterman became Faculty Master of Parkside International
Residence College at USC, which is home to 600 students
and is an international center. He is a founding editor
of the Journal of Computational Biology, an editor for
six other major journals, and one of the fathers of
the RECOMB annual meetings. He is author of more than
150 journal articles and author or co-author of several
textbooks, of which the latest (written with Richard
C. Deonier and Simon Tavaré), is Computational
Genome Analysis: An Introduction (Springer, 2005).
talk title: Whole Genome
Optical Mapping
abstract: An innovative
new technology, optical mapping, is used to infer the
genome map of the location of short sequence patterns
called restriction sites. The technology, developed
by David Schwartz, allows the visualization of the maps
of randomly located single molecules around a million
base pairs in length. The genome map is constructed
from overlapping these shorter maps. The mathematical
and computational challenges come from modeling the
measurement errors and from the process of map assembly.
homepage: http://www.cmb.usc.edu/people/msw/Waterman.html |